Here's a pic of Tucker on his first day of Kindergarten. He was SO excited. He had decided that he wanted to ride the school bus to school, but that I had to pick him up from school. As we're walking to the school bus stop (at 6:40am) he stops in the middle of the street and says "Mom, go ahead and give me my bye sugar now so you don't embarrass me in front of those people."
Part of me wanted to cry...but I just laughed, kissed him and finished walking him to the bus stop. When the bus came, he got on and never looked back. That's when I felt the tears starting I ran. Literally, I ran all the way home...and when I still felt the pain of being old enough to have one in kindergarten, I kept on running until I was too out of breath to do anything but breathe. Hey, it worked for me!
I went to pick him up from school, and the first thing he said (even before the door shut) "Mom, I don't want to ride home with you, I want to ride the bus home, it was so cool!". Hey, fine by me...I didn't really enjoy spending 30 minutes in the carpool line anyway! I had to come home and write a "formal" letter to the school letting them know of the change, so starting today he'll be riding the bus home too!
Taylor and Turner start Mother's Day Out tomorrow. This I am truly excited about. Taylor went 2 days a week last year and she will be going 3 days this year. Turner has never been away from me (except for when I work out at the YMCA...but he still is with his brother and sister), so this will be really good for him. I myself am looking forward to having some "me time" on Tuesday's and Friday's. I'm really looking forward to being able to go pee by myself on those two days...and if you're a stay at home know what I mean! I'm wondering if my bladder even works during the day without an audience!?!
Here are some pics that I took Friday...I was folding clothes and Taylor and Turner decided to put Taylor's panties on their heads and jump on the bed.
For those of you haven't heard, I'm a college student...again! I'm going back to school to get a Nursing Degree. I'll be in class on Saturday from 8am to 12:30pm...a human anatomy and physiology class with a lab and I have a math class on Monday and Wednesday nights from 8 to 9:30pm. I'm excited about starting school again, but also nervous that after having 3 kids and staying home with them for almost 2 years, I might not have any brains left...WISH ME LUCK!