Wednesday, November 19, 2008


First I'd like to start by saying Taylor has acted MUCH better since I last blogged. She's been doing extremely well with potty training...only 1 accident during the day and that's usually at dinner time. Hey, a girl's gotta time for bathroom breaks!

I know most of you are going to say I'm crazy for this next part...but we've adopted a dog. He's name is Vito. I've been wanting a dog for awhile now, and I knew that I wanted a German Shepherd, but I was afraid of getting a puppy and going through the whole chewing and training bit with little ones in the house...but then I was also afraid of getting an older one with issues. After some deliberation and many questions to reputable German Shepherd breeders, I decided to put an application into the German Shepherd Rescue of Central Alabama. They came and did a home inspection and recommended Vito. His owner died and his family couldn't take care of him, so he was surrendered to the local shelter. GSRCA came and got him and have been fostering him for 2 months. I have to say that I'm glad I listened to them and met Vito. He's the most well behaved, good natured, laid back dog I think I've ever been around. We were in PetSmart with tons of kids (not just Tucker but at least 6 other kids were climbing all over him) and he just loved it...laid there and licked faces if they would let him. He doesn't pull on his leash (yes...even in PetSmart) and so far seems to be enjoying his new home. As I'm typing this, he's laid out in his crate (which is at the foot of my bed) and is asleep. I'm sure I'll post more pics of him and the kids...but here's the one from the GSRCA website. We are all very excited about our new addition. Here's Vito!!

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