Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...a day late

Taylor has been learning how to take "self portraits" with my camera...OH LORDIE!

Monday, August 17, 2009

School Time Has Arrived!!!!!

Here's a pic of Tucker on his first day of Kindergarten. He was SO excited. He had decided that he wanted to ride the school bus to school, but that I had to pick him up from school. As we're walking to the school bus stop (at 6:40am) he stops in the middle of the street and says "Mom, go ahead and give me my bye sugar now so you don't embarrass me in front of those people."

Part of me wanted to cry...but I just laughed, kissed him and finished walking him to the bus stop. When the bus came, he got on and never looked back. That's when I felt the tears starting I ran. Literally, I ran all the way home...and when I still felt the pain of being old enough to have one in kindergarten, I kept on running until I was too out of breath to do anything but breathe. Hey, it worked for me!

I went to pick him up from school, and the first thing he said (even before the door shut) "Mom, I don't want to ride home with you, I want to ride the bus home, it was so cool!". Hey, fine by me...I didn't really enjoy spending 30 minutes in the carpool line anyway! I had to come home and write a "formal" letter to the school letting them know of the change, so starting today he'll be riding the bus home too!

Taylor and Turner start Mother's Day Out tomorrow. This I am truly excited about. Taylor went 2 days a week last year and she will be going 3 days this year. Turner has never been away from me (except for when I work out at the YMCA...but he still is with his brother and sister), so this will be really good for him. I myself am looking forward to having some "me time" on Tuesday's and Friday's. I'm really looking forward to being able to go pee by myself on those two days...and if you're a stay at home know what I mean! I'm wondering if my bladder even works during the day without an audience!?!

Here are some pics that I took Friday...I was folding clothes and Taylor and Turner decided to put Taylor's panties on their heads and jump on the bed.

For those of you haven't heard, I'm a college student...again! I'm going back to school to get a Nursing Degree. I'll be in class on Saturday from 8am to 12:30pm...a human anatomy and physiology class with a lab and I have a math class on Monday and Wednesday nights from 8 to 9:30pm. I'm excited about starting school again, but also nervous that after having 3 kids and staying home with them for almost 2 years, I might not have any brains left...WISH ME LUCK!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sorry it's been so long!

Okay, shoot's been FOREVER since I've "blogged". It's summertime and since I do nothing but lounge around the pool (seriously, it's been happening) and eating bon bons fed to me by my cabana boy (I WISH)...I haven't found the time.

Mom and Dad treated the whole family to a week at the are some pics.

Tucker was so excited that he got to "drive his own boat" at the park that we went to.

Turner loved the sand so much that he kept trying to eat it. He would also lay face down in it and try to sleep...he was so cute!

Here's Madison standing in her beach bucket! usual...a total DIVA!

Turner showing his Paw Paw and Pop Pop how to dig a proper moat.

Taylor and Tucker playing in the waves. The two of them were hilarious in the water!

I promise I'll upload more pics and "blog" some more later...but it's almost 1am and my clean sheets are calling my name!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Poor Tay Tay

I woke up this morning to the sound of a drawer opening, something being placed in the drawer and the drawer closing. The only one that is able to get out of their room is I say his name. No response. "Tucker, what are you doing?". "Nothing" he says...which I know is the kiss of death.

I call him into my bedroom and he comes in looking all angelic. I again ask him what he was doing and he again replies "nothing". Then I hear the pitter patter of little feet coming down the stairs and I know that he has let Taylor out of her room. She comes in to my room (mind you it's dark) and starts to climb into my bed. I know there's something "off" about the way she looks and Tucker says "Her hair looks funny huh mom!". That's when I realize that the "something" being placed in the drawer was scissors.

I immediately jump up and grab Taylor and feel her head. It's all gone...

I ask Tucker..."Did you cut your sisters hair?"

"No" he says.

Again, I ask in a much louder voice..."Did you cut your sisters hair?"

Again, he says "No".

I let go of Taylor...who by this time I've been hugging trying to hold myself back from beating the ever lovin' crap out of Tucker and yell..."Tell me the truth...DID.....YOU.....CUT.....YOUR.....SISTERS....HAIR!?"

He looks at me with these huge eyes...smiles...and says "Yep".

I tell him to turn around so I can spank him...give him one pop on the butt and say "You better now to your room and shut the door".

I've never seen that boy run that fast in his entire life. I knew that I needed to count to 10...well...10, calm myself down.

I scoop Taylor up and assess the damage.

Here are the pics.

I know what you're thinking...what? She looks fine. But wait for it...

This side isn't so bad either...but remember her hair went down to her shoulders...

He at least left her with 3 rat tails...too bad they're not in style anymore.

This side and the top caught the most from the "attack".

Yep...that isn't a white spot from the flash...that's her scalp! Plus, he must of grabbed a chunk of hair at her crown, stood behind her and cut from back to front because there is about a 1/4 inch of hair left at her crown.

It took almost 20 minutes for me to calm down enough to even enter Tucker's room. After about another 20 minutes of me talking to him...I got out this story.

"I wanted to cut off the tag on my sleeping bag, so I went downstairs and got your scissors. Taylor was up, so I got her out of her room and she came to my room with me. I wanted to pretend I was daddy and cut Tay Tay's hair like daddy cuts mine. I didn't know I wasn't suppose to cut hair".

Well, if you saw his room, you wouldn't have known he had done anything wrong. Like the perfect criminal, he had cleaned up all evidence of his crime. Not one shred of hair was to be found anywhere but in the garbage can.

I told him he was getting 4 spankings. One for getting the scissors without my permission (all I will say is that we went into depths yesterday of why he's not allowed to have scissors unless mommy's supervising) for cutting Taylor's hair...and two for lying about it.

I gave him his spankings and made him stay in his room until we left the house at 11:30 to get Taylor another haircut to correct (as much as we could) the damage from the first one.

I will say, now that it's all over with, that in 3 weeks...Taylor will have a really cute haircut. And lucky for her...she's so damn cute, she could pull off even a bald head.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pics from Disney

When I first decided to make the trip to Orlando, FL for my great-aunt's 80th birthday party...I didn't think I would be alive to post this message. Brad had to stay behind to work, so me and the kids drove with my parents. Since we were making the drive, I decided that I might as well attempt a day at the Magic Kingdom (thanks to dad's help!!! Love you Dad!!!)...WE MADE IT!

Dad drove...which if you didn't know Lead Foot himself...the travel time was reduced drastically and the kids did really well in the car.

I must admit that I will never attempt Disney World again in one day. I felt overwhelmed by the thought of not being able to fit anything in. But the looks on the kids faces when they saw the parades and all their favorite characters, it was all worth it. I would like to go back and stay in the park and for at least a week. Maybe next summer when Turner is a little bit older.

Here are some pics from our day...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Again...why did I take a "cat nap" today?

I'm writing this at midnight...I'm just wondering...why in the hell did I take a 45 minute nap today while all the kids were down? I'M NUTS!! NOW I CAN'T GO TO SLEEP!

It's Spring Break here in good ole' Alabama, which means I'm home alone with 3 kids and trying to keep them all occupied...very hard to do. Luckily, Brad's cousin Molly will be coming home with me tomorrow and she'll be staying through Friday, so I can at least have someone here to enjoy the insanity with me!

I went to the grocery store with all 3 of them today...two and half hours and $400 dollars later...I'm surprised I made it through the whole ordeal with only needing a nap and not a padded cell. Tomorrow I'm going to the Y to work out and then going to pick up Molly...YEAH!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

All is Well

Everyone is "back to normal" today. We had some sick ones around the house Sunday and Brad was sick Monday...but everyone is feeling better now. Hope your family doesn't get struck by the stomach bug!

We've joined the local YMCA...which has "Childwatch". YEAH!! Which means I can go and work out and they'll watch the kiddos for me. It's been great for me and I've really enjoyed their "BodyPump" class which is a group exercise class that last an hour and you use weights for everything! Love it!! I've been doing that class and then doing cardio 2 days a week. I can't wait for this summer, they have a huge outdoor pool and a kiddie pool for the kids to swim in. They have an indoor pool too...but we went as a family two Sundays ago and it was too cold. We'll try again soon though.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Blog Fix"

I know it's been awhile since I've "blogged"...but it's been hard for me to get motivated to do anything these days...SORRY! Thanks to my dad, here's his "blog fix".

Taylor has really taken to school now. Monday when I dropped her off, she actually gave me a kiss and said "Bye Mommy!" YEAH!!! Now I don't feel guilty for pawning her off onto her wonderful MDO teacher!

Tucker has been wearing the seams out of his "Incredibles Supersuit" that Santa gave him for Christmas. He loves dressing up as different characters...some real and some imaginary. Here's a picture of him in his supersuit on Christmas morning at Brad's parents house. The horse was made for him by his "paw paw"...the kids love it and the thing is sturdy enough to hold all the kids and an adult at the same time. Here's Josh, Taylor and "Dash"...

Taylor has now started to catch is her "supersuit".

Yes, it's a "fairy" costume, but she has added the tiara and the pink cowgirl boots. It's hilarious. For those of you who don't know...Taylor doesn't like to wear clothes. She is naked ALL the time. Most of the time, she likes to look like this...

I have a better picture showing the full effect (if you know what I mean) but I'm afraid to post it due to DHR coming and hauling my children away!! ;0

I cannot keep clothes on this child!! As soon as she gets home, she wants everything off...if the shirt she is wearing has Minnie Mouse, a Disney Princess character or Tinker Bell, then she'll leave her shirt on. OH HEAVEN HELP US!!! I think we're in for some REAL fun with this one!

Here's another example...she has taken Tucker's power ranger and cowboy gun and shoved it down into her diaper (to copy Tucker's holster)...SHE'S SO FUNNY!

Turner has been doing really well. He hasn't had any more seizures (KNOCK ON WOOD)...and I'll leave you with a pic of him...WANT A KISS?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

He's normal!!!

First, I'd like to start off with...I'm sorry it's been so long since I've blogged. Not only to those who keep up with this thing...but mainly to's my way of "letting off steam".

Turner's EEG test results came back "normal". YEAH, HE'S NORMAL!! Which means he does not have epilepsy or a seizure if he has any more seizures, we'll go from there.

The kids started back at MDO...and Taylor is going now on Monday's and Friday's, which means I only have Turner on those two days. The first day she went was my birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! I pampered myself by going and getting my hair chopped off. I was able to donate an eleven inch (yes, 11 in) ponytail to Wigs 4 Kids. I love my new short hair...the long hair was starting to drive me crazy!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas/New Year!

The kids are now getting back into the swing of things after the long Christmas break. We were able to go to the zoo after's just now starting to get cold here. Anyhoo, here are some pics for ya'll.

Taylor riding the carousel at the Birmingham Zoo.

Tucker feeding the goats at the Birmingham Zoo.

Turner's first trip to the Zoo!

My new do!