Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Blog Fix"

I know it's been awhile since I've "blogged"...but it's been hard for me to get motivated to do anything these days...SORRY! Thanks to my dad, here's his "blog fix".

Taylor has really taken to school now. Monday when I dropped her off, she actually gave me a kiss and said "Bye Mommy!" YEAH!!! Now I don't feel guilty for pawning her off onto her wonderful MDO teacher!

Tucker has been wearing the seams out of his "Incredibles Supersuit" that Santa gave him for Christmas. He loves dressing up as different characters...some real and some imaginary. Here's a picture of him in his supersuit on Christmas morning at Brad's parents house. The horse was made for him by his "paw paw"...the kids love it and the thing is sturdy enough to hold all the kids and an adult at the same time. Here's Josh, Taylor and "Dash"...

Taylor has now started to catch on...here is her "supersuit".

Yes, it's a "fairy" costume, but she has added the tiara and the pink cowgirl boots. It's hilarious. For those of you who don't know...Taylor doesn't like to wear clothes. She is naked ALL the time. Most of the time, she likes to look like this...

I have a better picture showing the full effect (if you know what I mean) but I'm afraid to post it due to DHR coming and hauling my children away!! ;0

I cannot keep clothes on this child!! As soon as she gets home, she wants everything off...if the shirt she is wearing has Minnie Mouse, a Disney Princess character or Tinker Bell, then she'll leave her shirt on. OH HEAVEN HELP US!!! I think we're in for some REAL fun with this one!

Here's another example...she has taken Tucker's power ranger and cowboy gun and shoved it down into her diaper (to copy Tucker's holster)...SHE'S SO FUNNY!

Turner has been doing really well. He hasn't had any more seizures (KNOCK ON WOOD)...and I'll leave you with a pic of him...WANT A KISS?


Michelle C. said...

That's an adorable picture of Turner. Some days are so fun and some days I want to run from this house screaming and pulling my hair out. How about you?

Jennifer W. Hutson said...

I do too...just remember that He never puts more on our plate than we can handle...

With that being said...some days I want to throw the plate in the bushes!