My dad is finally in a "normal" hospital room. He's been in ICU and then Intermediate Care and just today was moved into a hospital room where the kids can go and see him. I feel relieved. His white blood cell count is getting back down to normal and the doctors have allowed him to start eating fat free foods like jello and broth...when Tucker and I went to go visit him this afternoon, the nurse said they were going to try and get him home in the next couple of days. YEAH!!! He hasn't been allowed to eat for 2 he's taking it slow...but I'm just happy that it looks like the end is near.
One good thing has come out of said yesterday that it's been the kick in the ass he has needed to get his health back on track. He said he was going to start eating better and not taking his health for granted. He never wants to go to the doctor...and after spending two weeks in the hospital, I think he's realized he needs to see them at least once a year...if not least for check ups.
I'm just thankful that he's getting better...thank you to all of you who have called, written and prayed. It's been appreciated and felt!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Update on Dad
My dad's pneumonia is now gone...YEAH!!! They're moving him out of the ICU and into Intermediate Care...but it probably won't happen until later on this afternoon. Thank you for all the prayers!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
My dad has been in the ICU since Thursday morning. They took him down at 7am to remove his gallbladder. Right before they were to start the surgery, he aspirated infected bile into his lungs. They suctioned him out as best they could and completed the surgery, but brought him to ICU to keep a close eye on him because they were afraid of pneumonia. He's been pretty drugged up and out of it every time we get to see him...and for those of you who know my father, he doesn't drink, so this is weird to see him like this.
They did a chest scan when they first brought him in and saw the damage. Yesterday morning pneumonia had developed. They took another scan yesterday afternoon and there was no change...which is good, it means it's not getting worse.
He has been getting up and walking around and we're hoping that the scan that they took this morning at 6am shows the pneumonia is going away...keep up the prayers!
They did a chest scan when they first brought him in and saw the damage. Yesterday morning pneumonia had developed. They took another scan yesterday afternoon and there was no change...which is good, it means it's not getting worse.
He has been getting up and walking around and we're hoping that the scan that they took this morning at 6am shows the pneumonia is going away...keep up the prayers!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Ya Reckon'...
Several months ago, while shopping at Wal-Mart, Tucker and I came across a DVD in the $5 dollar was a double feature of "Old Yeller" and it's sequel "Savage Sam". Here lately, Tucker has been watching "Savage Sam" a lot.
The past couple of days, he has done the following:
1) Started to wear his cowboy boots...which are too small, so he walks around a bit funny in them;
2) Started to wear his cowboy hat...again, which is too small, so he fits it on the back of his head;
3) Hooked up his elephant (a gift from his Great Uncle John when he was a baby) as a horse...including Taylor's sequin belt as his reigns;
4) He places his plastic sword (from his knight costume) in his belt as his machete and a plate display holder...which he pretends is a hand gun in his belt.
He puts on everything and gets on this poor elephant and rides it like it's a horse while watching "Savage Sam" and acts out the movie. He made me stay in his room this morning during the fighting scene while the characters on TV save each other from the "injuns".
After the fight scene was over, I told him he fought well and asked if he was hungry after all that fighting...he said "Ya reckon' I can have a sandwich now ma...that's a right smart idea ain't it!"
Again, the look on his face was hilarious and I had to compose myself because what I really wanted to do was laugh while rolling around on the floor. I had to tell him that "ain't" isn't a word, but yes, eating a sandwich was a smart idea.
His imagination is something, I can't wait to see what he comes up with next.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Thoughts and Prayers for Dad
My dad was admitted this morning into the hospital for pancreatitis. They have since found the cause (a large gallstone) so they will be keeping him sedated and pumped full of antibiotics and remove his gallbladder on Thursday.
I went through something similar in March...had a gallbladder attack and a stone was lodged near my pancreas. My liver backed up and I turned as yellow as big bird. The doctors were worried that I would develop a pancreatitis...evidently it's very painful.
Please put him in your prayers tonight.
On a lighter note...Tucker just informed me (while I'm sitting here typing) "Mom, I want to still be a king while I'm a bigger kid, but...I really want to be a cowboy when I'm a grownup."
I really wish you could see the look on his face when he's telling me this...he's got such a look of confidence and knowledge, like he knows this is his "calling" or something...he's so funny!
I went through something similar in March...had a gallbladder attack and a stone was lodged near my pancreas. My liver backed up and I turned as yellow as big bird. The doctors were worried that I would develop a pancreatitis...evidently it's very painful.
Please put him in your prayers tonight.
On a lighter note...Tucker just informed me (while I'm sitting here typing) "Mom, I want to still be a king while I'm a bigger kid, but...I really want to be a cowboy when I'm a grownup."
I really wish you could see the look on his face when he's telling me this...he's got such a look of confidence and knowledge, like he knows this is his "calling" or something...he's so funny!
Friday, August 15, 2008
"I want to be king when I'm still a kid"
Tucker last night said to me "I want to be king". I replied "When you grow up? I thought you wanted to be a police man." He said "No mommy, I want to be king when I'm still a kid". I said "You are 'still a kid', and you do a pretty good job of acting like a king now". He said "I'm not still a kid, I can wipe my own butt, so I'm a big I want to be a king when I'm a bigger when I turn 5. So for my birthday, can I have a small gun and a small sword to protect the animals and a big gun and a big sword to kill the mean men?"
Uh? What? If you don't have regular conversations with a 4 year're probably saying that. I didn't know how in the hell was I suppose to respond to that, so I just said "You'll have to ask daddy when it comes to owning guns. Girls don't know about those things." Luckily, that was enough of an answer for him.
Uh? What? If you don't have regular conversations with a 4 year're probably saying that. I didn't know how in the hell was I suppose to respond to that, so I just said "You'll have to ask daddy when it comes to owning guns. Girls don't know about those things." Luckily, that was enough of an answer for him.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful for:
--Wipes (see pic above!)
--Mother's Day's been the best thing for Tucker. He's been so calm and well behaved this week!
--My husband...he's been working so hard the past few weeks...and because I love him more and more everyday
--Neighbors who know what it's like to be a stay at home mom and let me know I'm not alone
--The "surprise" of Turner...because without him, I wouldn't be a stay at home mom and I'd miss all the sugars I get during the day
--My mom, dad and in-laws...who help us out...even when we don't ask for it, they know we need and appreciate it. Just a night of not having to cook, or having 1 less child to look after for the afternoon is awesome!
--Playtime with the kids, especially right after naps!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Almost...Wordless Wednesday
Tucker, Turner and Taylor taking a bath "whether they needed it or not".
Striking a Pose for the camera!
Turner and Taylor playing first thing this morning. Taylor loves to play with Tucker's boots...but she doesn't like to wear the matching set (which also means they are two different sizes!) or wear them on the correct feet. She is definitely my hard-headed daughter!
Here is Tucker in his "pillow fort"...this is his favorite thing to do now.
No MDO school on Wednesdays :(
Taylor carries around a blanket (she calls it "BB")...almost like Linus from Peanuts. It was so dirty and stinky that I had to wash it here she is watching it being washed, making sure "BB" makes it through the extra hot wash.
Too cute of a pic not to post...notice the chocolate milk dribble on her chin?
That's what she thinks is so funny!
That's what she thinks is so funny!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Thank you Michelle!
My neighbor Michelle (Cameron's mom) my own person angel today for the following reasons:
1. She told me about Mother's Day Out
2. Offered to take and pick Tucker up today from MDO
3. After MDO, asked if Tucker could come to her house and played
Because of her, I got the following done:
1. 5 loads of laundry washed, dried, folded and put away
2. changed the sheets on my bed
3. Vacuumed the entire house
4. Loaded, washed, and emptied the dishwasher
5. Cleaned 2 bathrooms
6. I didn't have to wake Turner up from his nap to pick Tucker up
7. I was able to enjoy Taylor and Turner when they woke up from their naps
It's amazing how the thoughtfulness of 1 woman, helped out another one so much. The funny thing is...only Michelle would appreciate how much house work I got done, she's a crazy clean freak like I am. Thank you Michelle!
1. She told me about Mother's Day Out
2. Offered to take and pick Tucker up today from MDO
3. After MDO, asked if Tucker could come to her house and played
Because of her, I got the following done:
1. 5 loads of laundry washed, dried, folded and put away
2. changed the sheets on my bed
3. Vacuumed the entire house
4. Loaded, washed, and emptied the dishwasher
5. Cleaned 2 bathrooms
6. I didn't have to wake Turner up from his nap to pick Tucker up
7. I was able to enjoy Taylor and Turner when they woke up from their naps
It's amazing how the thoughtfulness of 1 woman, helped out another one so much. The funny thing is...only Michelle would appreciate how much house work I got done, she's a crazy clean freak like I am. Thank you Michelle!
Monday, August 11, 2008
I think I'm gonna like this!
This morning I woke the whole clan up to get ready to take Tucker to his first day of Mother's Day Out. We all loaded up and delivered him on time. I was really surprised that things went so smoothly. Making Tucker's lunch and getting everyone dressed and loaded and to school by 9am was uneventful. (That's a good thing!)
Tucker went right in and joined his class with no problems. Taylor, Turner and I ran some errands and we arrived back home by 10am and enjoyed a peaceful, non-hitting, non-screaming, no time time!
I think I'm going to like this Mother's Day Out stuff!
We all loaded back up at 1:30pm to pick Tucker up from school. His teacher said he had a great first day and Tucker said he had lots of fun. He was so good the rest of the afternoon. He played well with Taylor and after dinner we were able to play with Play-Doh!
Tucker went right in and joined his class with no problems. Taylor, Turner and I ran some errands and we arrived back home by 10am and enjoyed a peaceful, non-hitting, non-screaming, no time time!
I think I'm going to like this Mother's Day Out stuff!
We all loaded back up at 1:30pm to pick Tucker up from school. His teacher said he had a great first day and Tucker said he had lots of fun. He was so good the rest of the afternoon. He played well with Taylor and after dinner we were able to play with Play-Doh!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
My daughter the drinker
Okay, about 3 weeks ago...after putting Turner in his bed for a nap, I came downstairs to a quiet house. With 3 kids, that's never a good sign. Tucker was over at Cameron's house, so that meant Taylor was up to something. I called her name several times with no response. I walked towards the master bedroom and called her name again, when I hear an "Um...Good" coming from the pantry. I open the pantry to find Taylor standing in there with the bottle of Mrs. Butterworth's turned up and her drinking out of it! She turned and looked at me (never removing her lips from the upturned bottle) and said again "Um...Good....ya want some?". The sight was hilarious...not to mention that she drank almost 3 inches of a large bottle of syrup...which meant it was now gone. I shut the door, threw the empty bottle of syrup away and added it to the grocery list. Then last week she turned to the "hard stuff". I guess since I've put the syrup up on a higher shelf that she can't reach...she's now trying to drink the gallon of canola oil I keep in the floor. This thing is huge...I mean, I shop at Sam's! Needless to say, I had to move it to the top of the pantry as well. Then 3 days ago, I find her with a bottle of hot pink paint, turned up and she's trying to drink out of it. She had pink paint all over her mouth and she gave Turner little hot pink kisses all over his head. Luckily none of the paint was inside of her mouth, it was just all over her face and lips. It washed off pretty easy, but I wish I would of taken a picture of her and Turner's hot pink was hilarious!
This afternoon the kids are playing in my bed and Tucker screams "Mom, Taylor's drinking again!"...I run in to find Taylor with the bottle of lotion turned up. I guess it tasted too bad and she spit it out in my hand...which was totally gross by the way. Does anyone know rehab for 2 year olds?! I've locked all cabinets and put door knob covers on any rooms that contain things I think she might want to drink. I gate her out of the kitchen during the day...I even have to lock the bathroom doors during the day so she can't get in there to drink the toilet water! I guess the only thing I can do is keep Poison Control on speed dial.
This afternoon the kids are playing in my bed and Tucker screams "Mom, Taylor's drinking again!"...I run in to find Taylor with the bottle of lotion turned up. I guess it tasted too bad and she spit it out in my hand...which was totally gross by the way. Does anyone know rehab for 2 year olds?! I've locked all cabinets and put door knob covers on any rooms that contain things I think she might want to drink. I gate her out of the kitchen during the day...I even have to lock the bathroom doors during the day so she can't get in there to drink the toilet water! I guess the only thing I can do is keep Poison Control on speed dial.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Mother's Day we come!
I am literally counting the minutes down until Monday morning at 9am when I can drop Tucker off at Mother's Day Out and leave him there until 1:45pm. I know, I know, I'm a horrible mother...but he's driving me nuts!!! He's been so rude, and combative lately...I know it's because he's bored with me...but I can't take it anymore! If our neighbor Cameron isn't able to come over and play (because God forbid Cameron has other things to do!)...Tucker is just plain mean! Ever since we took him out of daycare for him to stay home with me (which just has been since the first of this year)...he's been different. I don't know if it's the addition of Turner (#3) or what...but something has to give, and it's not going to my sanity!
Hopefully the time away from us and with friends and him meeting new people will help...we'll see!
Hopefully the time away from us and with friends and him meeting new people will help...we'll see!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Love Thy Neighbor
Anyhoo...when Cameron comes over, the boys run straight upstairs to Tucker's room and they "entertain" themselves. Here's a pic from yesterday when they dressed up like cowboys. Aren't they cute?
Tucker will be starting Mother's Day Out classes on Monday. It couldn't start soon enough for me, I'm at my wits end trying to find things to keep him busy. He's getting bored with me, Taylor and Turner and he's letting us know!
Mother's Day out will be good for Taylor and Turner as well. They play really good together and Taylor loves to make Turner laugh.
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