Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ya Reckon'...

Several months ago, while shopping at Wal-Mart, Tucker and I came across a DVD in the $5 dollar was a double feature of "Old Yeller" and it's sequel "Savage Sam". Here lately, Tucker has been watching "Savage Sam" a lot.

The past couple of days, he has done the following:

1) Started to wear his cowboy boots...which are too small, so he walks around a bit funny in them;
2) Started to wear his cowboy hat...again, which is too small, so he fits it on the back of his head;
3) Hooked up his elephant (a gift from his Great Uncle John when he was a baby) as a horse...including Taylor's sequin belt as his reigns;
4) He places his plastic sword (from his knight costume) in his belt as his machete and a plate display holder...which he pretends is a hand gun in his belt.

He puts on everything and gets on this poor elephant and rides it like it's a horse while watching "Savage Sam" and acts out the movie. He made me stay in his room this morning during the fighting scene while the characters on TV save each other from the "injuns".

After the fight scene was over, I told him he fought well and asked if he was hungry after all that fighting...he said "Ya reckon' I can have a sandwich now ma...that's a right smart idea ain't it!"

Again, the look on his face was hilarious and I had to compose myself because what I really wanted to do was laugh while rolling around on the floor. I had to tell him that "ain't" isn't a word, but yes, eating a sandwich was a smart idea.

His imagination is something, I can't wait to see what he comes up with next.

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