Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for:

--Wipes (see pic above!)
--Mother's Day's been the best thing for Tucker. He's been so calm and well behaved this week!
--My husband...he's been working so hard the past few weeks...and because I love him more and more everyday
--Neighbors who know what it's like to be a stay at home mom and let me know I'm not alone
--The "surprise" of Turner...because without him, I wouldn't be a stay at home mom and I'd miss all the sugars I get during the day
--My mom, dad and in-laws...who help us out...even when we don't ask for it, they know we need and appreciate it. Just a night of not having to cook, or having 1 less child to look after for the afternoon is awesome!
--Playtime with the kids, especially right after naps!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jen! Looks like you are having fun with kids and the kids are having fun with you at home. I am sure that it is a challenge but I am sure rewarding. The kids have grown so much! Love u!

Shelli said...

How come I didn't know you had a blog?? I found you through my site meter :o) I'm such a nerd!
I'm so thankful for disposible wipes!! I've heard stories my grandmother has told and I want NO part!!